Thursday 28 May 2009

The Old Moon in the new moon's armour

The terminator is the line which divides light from dark, day from night, on the moon. It is a line which runs thick with ink, cut without the sentient blur of atmosphere; the cooling slime of aqueous humour.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Semina Culture

how to perform an image?

'I changed into dinner clothes in the confines of the gently rocking compartment.'


Saturday 16 May 2009

closing time

the lights are out and the alarm is set, there is one thing you have forgotten - closing marylin's eyes. you rush back into the room.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Eliane Radigue

check out the music of Eliane Radigue 
must remain purely 
an act of imagination.

i seem to be a verb...

Buckminster Fuller had one of the most fascinating and original minds of his century. He was one of our world’s first futurists and global thinkers. His universal vision saw our planet as "Spaceship Earth'. As "Spaceship Earth' spirals into a future of radiant possibility, we find ourselves merging with the dreams...

Tuesday 12 May 2009

sky belongs to pilots

Monday 11 May 2009

back to Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque landscapes

Etienne Dupérac's bird's-eye plan view of the gardens at Villa d'Este, Tivoli

Thursday 7 May 2009

blue-green algae

The first organism which appeared on Earth's surface was a kind of plant. Blue-green algae used sunlight and water to make food, and in the process, created oxygen. That's what all plants do: they make their own food out of nothing and the waste they produce is oxygen! It makes it possible for all other types of organisms to develop. Plants play the most important part in the cycle of nature. Without plants, there could be no life on Earth, nor on Mars... 

Tuesday 5 May 2009

art & compromise

language is a form of compromise

working with experienced artists 

no excuse is offered 

When you are dealing with language, there is no edge that the picture drops over or drops off. You are dealing with something completely infinite. Language, because it is the most non-objective thing we have ever developed in this world, never stops. Lawrence Weiner